2019 Recipients

Jenny Lynn

(Photography Showcase & Presentations)

I use my art to promote understanding. My art includes riveting images that span from lands as far as Yemen, Lebanon, and Palestine, to places right here in Santa Ana and Los Angeles where I have covered everything from social movements to the creation of documentaries about the arts and artists. Currently, I have 18 printed images that are tattered and need to be re-matted in order to be gallery ready, and new description plaques are needed for 30 additional pieces. I also have up-cycled wood for wood transfer pieces and this funding will go towards printing the paper and the sealant needed to produce large scale wood transfers. My hope is to continue to educate audiences through my work and to showcase at a series of locally selected venues in Santa Ana and throughout the Orange County region. Upcoming spaces include showcasing my work at Markara Center for the Arts.

Artist Biography

Jenny Lynn otherwise known as “Steady Jenny” is a mother, activist, artist, musician, and a student of life who strives to leave this place better than how she found it. She has been involved in the Santa Ana artist and activist community for almost a decade, working with artist coalitions and businesses all over Santa Ana. Jenny has been in many group shows and solo exhibitions and is also a key organizer in the #MeToo movement. She taught and ran her own photo program with underserved Santa Ana youth at Bowers Museum for five years, taught a multimedia class at OCCTAC, and aside from her own media business, is currently working with the Santa Ana History Room. She recently directed and shot “Here To Stay,” the mini-documentary featured at this past year about local Chicana Muralist Marina Aguilera, from Santa Ana.


Adriana Martinez

(Sketchbook Club Community Workshops)

As an artist and art advocate, I focus on engaging artist and non-artist alike. My mission has been to make art as accessible as possible. In 2018 I started the Sketchbook Club in Santa Ana, to motivate people to stay creative, but also teach them ways to use a creative outlet for forms of expression and self-manifestation. I am also part of a collective that hosts a variety of workshops focused on wellness, creativity, and culture. Conscious Culture Collective hosts workshops every last Saturday at LibroMobile. The collective is aimed at teaching a variety of subjects to create well-rounded, informed individuals. For all of these events, my mission is to create lessons that enrich participants in culture and expand knowledge of art and personal creativity.

Currently everything has been self-created and founded. Although this year I have been able to get a grant for the Sketchbook Club, it is only a small portion of what I do. This money would go towards the promoting of workshops and events that I host and better promoting myself. Since there has been a lack of funds, I have not been able to push these workshops and events and have had to rely heavily on word of mouth and Facebook event pages. This money would also go to the replenishing of my materials since everything has come out of pocket. I am looking forward to expanding my work and creating rich workshops for the public to enjoy with your help.

Artist Biography

Adriana Martinez is an art teacher and advocate. She shares her creativity through watercolor, sketching, handmade bookmarks, murals, and multi-media. Her work explores different elements by transforming eco-friendly organic materials into diverse work. In 2018, she started the Sketchbook Club in Santa Ana to promote sketchbook activities and creativity.


Alex Mascorro

(Santa Ana Music Scene Mini Documentary)

Alex Mascorro has created a mini documentary on the Santa Ana Music Scene In collaboration with the local Santa Ana community. Community Engagement has assisted  Mascorro Productions in producing an ongoing documentary series that will capture the spirit of the developing music scene in the City of Santa Ana. The first of the series of mini documentaries was presented during this year’s 2020 Boca de Oro Festival of Literary Arts and Culture at the Frida Cinema House.  The premier video of the mini-doc series started off as a senior exit project at the undergrad level and has since caught traction in the local scene.

Artist Biography

A local Santa Ana musician, Alex Mascorro works closely in the local music scene that developed since he was a child. A mariachi, violinist and sound engineer, he uses his talents to thrive with other members of the music scene. Alex currently works for local community projects such as Mo Betta Monday’s and CoolLab Project as well as playing and working at venues such as La Santa and El Indio. His next steps move toward the creation of a series to document the music scene and to create music of his own.


Marcus Omari

(POETIC REFORM PARTY Workshops & Showcase)

Poetry has always been the sacred art of connecting ideas, ideals, images, and imagination to the core of our humanity. It is an art rooted in opening doors as well as minds.

All over this country we can see evidence and examples of how poets are using their art to give back in ways that revitalize existing communities and spur on a new generation of artists. Orange County artists, youthful and mature, are yearning for a similar renaissance here. The movement has already begun to reactivate and reconnect creative writing communities across multiple regions in The OC. With generous funding from Community Engagement in support of Poetic Reform Party, we will be able to more comfortably continue this mission to establish and cultivate a reliable network of artistic resources and support. Starting with the following endeavors:

● 3 Writing Workshops (local schools)

● 3 Performance Workshops (local libraries)

● 3 Poetic Performance Showcases (community venue)

Funding assists with managing the costs of participant workshop materials, flyers, instructor stipend, performance honorarium, media (web/photography/video), space rentals, and even occasional insurance costs associated with one-time usage of certain performance spaces.

Poetic Reform Party has provided similar workshops and showcases in the past with amazing results, all from self-sourced revenue or directly out of pocket. Unfortunately, the very real need to support oneself in order to effectively support the community has limited our ability to provide a sustained and consistent amount of time. We know that these funds will greatly help us dig into our purpose in reinvigorating a more educated, entertaining and self-sustained literary arts community.

Artist Biography

As founder of Poetic Reform Party, Marcus Omari leads a team of dedicated artists to organize, host, perform, and instruct various literary events in Southern California. Among Omari’s most honored achievements is the facilitation of on-demand poetry workshops for Orange County half-way housing for women, providing after school poetry programming for Orange County group home & foster youth, and writing workshops for homeless transition adults in Los Angeles.  Marcus has also developed and taught after school creative writing programs for the San Diego Unified School District, Santa Ana Unified School District, Garden Grove Unified School District, and Anaheim Unified School District. 


Ruben Salazar

(Blue Lot, Street Art Project)

I will develop a program inviting local and outside street artists to participate in creating galleries every couple of months on existing panel boards as well as building new panels. Unknown artists will be exposed on a huge level, advertising their work in a heavily trafficked area and enabling them to get commissioned for future art projects. The Blue Lot is a significant back drop for creating an atmosphere for all those within and outside of our community.

The overall vision for the Blue Lot is to create the first multi-purpose outdoor gallery and event center for the local art community, including a farmers market, music venue, pop-up events, and flea market. I intend to beautify the property by managing the wood paneling, cleaning the property, and investing in local artists who are not financially able to create their visions with the purchase of their supplies.

Artist Biography

Born and raised in the golden city of Santa Ana, Ruben Salazar as a youth was always drawn to entertainment, art and music. He found his calling through the form of reggae. Much like hip hop, reggae was a strong musical force that spoke of injustices and gave a commentary of the struggles going on in the streets of Jamaica. At the time Ruben discovered reggae, there was a lot of gang violence in his hometown and this struck a chord with him and resonated into a lifelong career as a working musician trying to spread the message of peace, unity, and consciousness. Having a strong pride and love for Santa Ana, he has been able to use the years of knowledge acquired in the music industry to help younger artists and create opportunities for himself to showcase the culture and beauty of the city he calls his home. He is dedicated to donating his time and collaborating with others in hopes of making a strong impact in his community.


Shiv Cook

(Yoga and Healthy Living Workshops)

The Feel Better Community Low Income Health and Wellness Program (the “Program”) was started in 2019 with an initial seed grant from Community Engagement. Prior to Covid-19 restricting gatherings, the Program had an active in person calendar at Heninger Senior Village in Santa Ana where they shared Sit 'n Breathe Chair Yoga with low income senior residents ranging from 59-90 years young. Post Covid, the Program has swiftly pivoted online with videos, livestreams and webinars enabling even wider community programming. 

Shiv and Cemaaj, the founders of The Feel Better Community, are committed to making and providing access to high quality tools, information and programs and making them available to all, regardless of income, gender and geography. The Program is designed to help participants improve their quality of life, better cope with anxiety and feel better, both physically and emotionally. 

Artist Biography 

Not your usual yoga teacher might be an understatement when it comes to Shiv. Coined as the “Julia Child of Kundalini” by one of her teachers, Shiv makes yoga and meditation fun, accessible and enjoyable to all levels of experience, particularly beginners. 

A transplant from England, Shiv, then Amanda, arrived in California as a corporate securities attorney in 1999. After nearly burning in her bed on September 9, 2001, two days before the World Trade Towers came tumbling down, she made a drastic life change. She met her life partner Cemaaj in 2002, lost 85 pounds, found joy in life and together they have become champions for those that cannot afford the very tools that helped improve her quality of health, life and vigor. Today they work together to share those very tools with anyone who has access to Wi-Fi.




Marina Aguilera was raised in Santa Ana, California. Marina La Artista is always telling a visual story, with the use of vibrant colors or the intensity of black and white, capturing her audience in every work she has brought to life. From the time she could hold a pencil in her hand, her imagination flourished. Being the third generation from this city, Marina has always had a deep admiration for her hometown. In the 1970s,along with a mural crew, Marina created many beautiful and culturally enriched murals throughout the city of Santa Ana. Marina has four children who she considers her rock and who help to keep her creative flames aglow. Her strength, womanhood, fire and roots endlessly pour into her artwork, inspiring youth and future artists.   
