In response to the pandemic and its disproportionate impact on the arts and artists, Community Engagement awarded a total of $50,000 in COVID-19 Grants to artists living or working in Orange County last year. These $500 grants served as a lifeline for 100 artists and supported the valuable work they do in our communities.

The online exhibition below features the work of our talented COVID-19 Grant recipients and offers a glimpse at how their creativity continued to flourish during an uncertain time.

100 Artists Look at COVID-19

Thank you for your interest in the COVID-19 Grant. We have had an incredible response and all 100 grants have been awarded at this time.

Announcing the Community Engagement COVID-19 Grant

Community Engagement, Inc. (CE) has committed $50,000 for general assistance to Orange County artists in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. CE will provide grants of up to $500 to local artists on a first-come, first-served basis until funds are gone.


Artists (any medium), performance artists, writers, or musicians living or working in Orange County needing financial assistance due to the COVID-19 virus.

Maximum Grant

Application requirements

  • A resume/bio that demonstrates the artist’s relationship to Orange County and includes a mailing address, as well as a website, Instagram or Facebook page

  • A brief statement of need (not more than 100 words)

Recipient commitments

  • To send an image of their work (with title and contact info)  to be included in a future on-line exhibition to be entitled: “100 Artists Look at COVID-19”

  • Acknowledgement of the Community Engagement grant on their websites and social media posts is greatly appreciated.